Saturday, February 16, 2013

Great time to be a journalist

I still believe that if your aim is to change the world, journalism is a more immediate short-term weapon.
Tom Stoppard

I just saw this quote.  LOVE IT!!!  Fits right with what I teach about the business.  I begin every semester by telling my news students how valuable the are in our democracy and what an awesome responsibility they have.  THEY are the individuals who are to inform and educate the masses. THEY are the individuals who are responsible for sharing heartwarming and inspiring human interest stories. THEY are the individuals given the task of providing the details about upcoming election issues and candidates, scientific breakthroughs, and developments in health and fitness.  And, unfortunately, THEY are the individuals who are expected to uncover corruption and serve as the watchdogs of society.
When I ask my students how many branches of government there are, they always say, "Three:  legislative, judicial and executive" (see, your tax dollars are paying off).  I always answer, "Nope, there are four: legislative, judicial, executive and the media."  Because, while the generally recognized three serve as checks and balances for one another, the media serves as a check and balance for all.
So, while you may poo-poo the job and complain about the "liberal" media, think about where the U.S. would be without it!

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