Sunday, March 16, 2014

Game of H-O-R-S-E

It has been about a year since I have blogged.  A lot has changed I that time.  I've been promoted and tenured. The UCM Media Network has grown (we even broadcast President Obama's visit to campus LIVE). We have a teenager in the house. Lots and lots of new developments!

One thing has NOT changed, though:  Heidi and I STILL cannot agree on the rules of H-O-R-S-E.  I say person A takes a shot and if it goes in, person B has to duplicate that shot, including location on the court and style of shot.  Heidi, on the other hand, says person A has to CALL the shot.  We even took our debate to Facebook. Not surprisingly, most of our friends agreed with Heidi (I smell a conspiracy).  One of our friends, though, made a great point.  He reminded Facebook world that I am a trained sports writer, stating as such, he was voting with me! I like that point of view. But I decided, as a trained journalist, I should do some research.  And so, I took to the Internet.

Exhibit A - from Wikipedia 

Exhibit B - from Yahoo Answers (I should note this one was the voter's choice winner)

Exhibit C - from Wiki How (complete with pictures)

Shall I go on??? Fine!

Exhibit D - from eHow (wait, maybe you should ignore this one ...)

Exhibit E - again from eHow

I think I've made my point! Of course, I'm sure anyone reading this will agree, IF Heidi and I ever play horse again, you can bet I'll be calling my shots.  Heck, I'm a horrible shot; it's not like I can beat her anyway!

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